Doctor Who: The Enemy of the World, episodes 4-6

The loveliness continues, in episodes four through six: Episode 4 Giles vs the Doctor – OH THEIR FACES. The actor playing Giles is really v good. Look at his eyes! Shining fanaticism for ridding the world of Salamander in there, dammit! The whole aesthetic  of the thing makes me yayful. How much of a television…

Doctor Who: The Enemy of the World, episodes 1 -3

New Doctor Who! Practically a whole two stories of new Doctor Who! So, after some considerable flail, I was able to summon the calm to sit down and watch the beautiful, perfect, shiny new Troughton stories now free in the world, without accidently dancing the dance of Omg!New!Troughton.  Well done me. They're not entirely new,…

(A Handy Guide To) The Five Most Important Things About The Sea Devils

On Verity! this week we were discussing The Sea Devils in particular and the Third Doctor in general. So, in honour of our delightful episode,* I've put together a handy guide to the five most important things about the story we rattle on about for a good hour or so.The Five Most Important Things About…

Defence of the Skittle Daleks & other news

Sadly I'm not actually going to be defending the Skittle Daleks in this post, but I will be doing so this Saturday. So if you too are heading to Gallifrey One (that whacking great Doctor Who convention in LA) this week then you can mock me in person. Hurrah! This'll be my, er, sixth Gallifrey,…

Alternate Doctor Who Casting

The thing that I most love about this Alternate History of Doctor Who, where all the incarnations are played by women, is how immediately visceral my reactions are to the castings: "Brilliant!" Ugh, no!" "Interesting." "Wtf? Quit casting comedy actors, goodness sake."For real casting, I try to wait until I actually see the person in…

Top Five Underrated Doctor Who Monsters

There was a shiny new addition to my Very Grown-Up action figure collection a few days ago. Actually, there were several. But although I'm delighted I now have a bookshelf resplendent with Jo Grant and the Brig, my heart belongs to the third figure in The Three Doctor themed trio: a Gel Guard. This dude…